Saturday, February 19, 2011

Let's All Go To The Movies

"What building shaped crater?! Damn it, we're lost!"
I find a lot of movie related items.

A Lot.

In the world of collecting we call this 'ephemera,' or 'things that most people threw away.' Take this sweet looking 2001 ad, for example. Made to advertise the first screening at Warner Hollywood's Famous 'Cinerama' back in 1968, Joe Everyman, who may have obtained this via local store or through the mail, would read the detailed info (located on the back) and decide whether or not he was going to shell out the $3.00 for this 'reserved seat engagement.' After ordering tickets, Joe would toss the ad and end it's short life. A short, sweet life mourned by all.

But, obviously, some of these things survived and are now being collected. '2001' is unique because the Hollywood Cinerama premiered the movie there just two days after it's debut in Washington, D.C. Is it worth a lot? Might be. But you'd have to be into Kubrick ephemera...or just really like old movie announcements. Or Arthur C. Clarke items. Or Cinerama items. get the point.

 <----Wizard of OZ ad. Nice shape but
probably worth pennies.

       Steve McQueen in 'The Reivers.'----->
       Hunk, uh, Worth point:  $2

Most of these items are fun to collect because they are fairly inexpensive--or should be, anyway. They're not old love letters or  photographs, but I still enjoy them if only for the tag lines.

In a totally unrelated note: Last night's performance (see yesterday's post) was great! Still plenty of weekends left if you'd like to catch one of the showings.


  1. Hello TLB

    You have an absolutely fascinating site. Rare finds and trust that you will seek and find. Lovely! May have a need sometime that will fall right down your alley.
    Just popped in to say Hello, no, its not random. :)

  2. Thanks, PBB! I'm always down for offering insight! I love research. Probably too much. :)
