Tuesday, February 22, 2011

With A Capital D

"What was the plate number again? Oh, right. Very funny, smart ass."

I have a confession to make. I'm a terrible drinker.

No, not a terrible drunk--a terrible drinker. Meaning: I've never been very good at drinking for a long period of time. Sure, I've been drunk before, and I have some fantastically funny stories that revolve around   intoxication, but when it comes to drinking over long periods of time I'm no good. I get slow; I get lethargic and I just want to lay down. All I can say right now to save my 'cool' is: 'When I peak, baby, I peak.' The raving madman that my friends adore may only come out between Southern Comforts 3 & 4, but when he does he brings both magic and mayhem. 

And then immediately needs to be put to bed.


Today's item is a flier from New York State's Division of Motor Vehicles. If you were to open it up (don't try opening it up. It's just part of the screen.) it would inform you of the penalties enforced by the state and the programs available to those in need of help. Most notably the 'Drinking Driver Program.'

Completely Unrelated: Does anyone have any new music they'd recommend? Doesn't have to be something that was just released, just something new that you feel like sharing. Feel free to post it in the comments below. 



  1. You have an interesting blog. I'm a new follower. Keep posting.

  2. Cool post. Probably one of these days, I will leave some music you might enjoy. Cheers!
